Friday, 1 June 2012

more right wing thoughts from me!!

y'see there is the wolf, and there is the sheep..but then there's the levels inbetween, and they are a threat! but who'd want to be a sheep i suppose. i mean a good boy is a bad boy, and a bad boy is a good boy (sheep).. a young person will not understand himself well.. like know when his own lies are confusing him.. alot of conmen work on blogs, and fool you into doing stupid things, like jew hating.. or being right wing, which isn't so bad.. but you cant go around thinkimng you're right, when really you;re loony left, innit.. not that i'm either.. as i am my own person, and dont feel the need to marry any school of thought i dont know to be very worth while. left and right are both bad in their own way.. imho.. but anyway that leads me to the fool, he who should achieve nothing.. that is not a perfect notion, as it is an assumption that there are no perfect notions.. which is not true.. but there are levels of people and higher levels of people are paramount, as the lower level people are not relivant in my narcissistic mind... as in i would have no desire to help them.. but really what low level people say to me is no where near as bad as what i supposedly think of them.. or you.. no one is on my level, and that is a shame.. but people are not dumb as all that, tho.. (or are they).. black and white thought, closes the mind from spiritual realisation, that is essentual for a worthy existence, but beginner levels should never be seen as eternal, and thus should be overthrown.

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