Saturday, 21 May 2011

world is sex obsessed

the world we live in is full of billions of people who think you need sex inorder to have status. this causes over-population and cruely amobnst people. sex is like a fishing hook inorder to get people to achieve in a capitalist world. sex is linked with the devil, but the side effecty of progressive minds, is that people demand more sexual freedom. the amount of portn that i currently look at, for example makes me sexually inadiquate. its sick. and the recless mentality of people means they dont muind if they do damage, to whatecvers around them. just so llonfg as they get sex. it is possible to be too recless, and damage the self aswell as others. i think if people learnt that sex is overrated, and that you'll never get stuff like in the movies, or porn. maybe the world would not over populate. people take more pride in sex then they do in brains. hipsters see things the right way up. but a bit of drank, will be there to get success and rid of embarracement. most white people enjoy sex while scientist work on cloning tecniques. mean while companies use subliminal advertising in order to lure an over population into the pocket of a fat cat, via sex methods. its sick. dont have sex and be proud. you could be having sex with scum.

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