Wednesday, 20 August 2014

i feel nothing brings people down more then the devil. the devil want people not to be productive. i kinda am productive, see here

The devil basically went againsed god, for whatever reason.. maybe the devil is just very paranoid indeed. he feels people should be held down, as they are just fools. men on social media do work for the devil, just like people in power. but anyone can be fooled by the devil. lord of all that is hot. like the sun.

The devil will bring people to the 'death zone' . which is basically a place of pure stagnancy, being non productive is just one downward spiral which works with a weak ego driven desire to some how be productive.. in the face of futility which seems massive to the person.

i on the other hand am productive within myself.. i keep myself entertained, and entertain a few people on social media. whether or not i need God, as in God's words is a mystery, as the bible intrigues me, more then it saves me, but the bible warns me about the perils of mankind, and with these warnings, i am not literally saved, but i feel i go up the ladder, of the inner spirit.

with this i am more productive, when it comes to my inner, and outer expression. the devil is infact a french misconception, or fiery ginger being. he gives people peace in depravity and the desire not to escape.. these people are in purgatory as they are intelligent.. less intelligent people, or those who are more vulnerable to the devils way, will go to hell.. for both inner and outer sin.

the higher up the ladder you are, the less likely you are to go to hell, and the more likely to go to heaven. child like views of the bible are obv wrong, and lead peiople to go astray, yet the bible teaches kids to be part of society, to be productive. this would make the modern pedo mentality strong, as modern times has lead people into post modern thought which excludes tehm form being productive. so they hate the child, and do things with kids!

the devil makes people suffer greatly, they do not like the freedom brought to us by Gods teachings.. those who take God too literal, are bound to be on side with the devil, whom is a fool. as angel do not understand God either. Freedom is cursed in this situation. but lower levels are bound to be impressed.